I think the most fun bit of going to Content Marketing World 2013 was the fact that I was going to someone else’s conference! After more than a decade of organising events, it was a nice change to just turn up as a noob delegate and make my way around the booths and sessions.
There was just so much content (aha) that I was in a daze at the end of the 3 days and the high from being a few rows away from Capt Kirk just topped it off nicely.
The fastest way to sum it up is one post is to list my soundbites (@titienahmad) when at the conference:
- “Companies end up using social as the world’s shortest press release” @jaybaer
- “Your products and services are probably the least interesting. Transcend the transaction and make the story bigger” @jaybaer
- “Kill the term ‘own’. The concept of owning is disruptive to success” @heathermeza on B2B marketing success
- “Blog production is not content marketing” @robert_rose
- @carden makes a brilliant case for #contentmarketing: success is 70% visibility and 30% ability
- “The print model died somewhere else, custom publishing is thriving” @T3Publishing
- “Companies that don’t assign content creation and dissemination to specific people or departments will lose out”
- @jyskebanktv: brilliant example of a rural bank punching above its weight
- “I don’t reinvent myself, I don’t sell or promote, I just do things” @WilliamShatner
- So many new words with @mindsetdigital preso – tweckling, oversharenting.
- “Don’t be as stupid as @WilliamShatner, now that’s a marketing campaign”
- @WilliamShatner: “Only when you say yes to life can you live life”
Will all this still be relevant when I get back to the real world? Let’s see!
Tags: B2B Marketing, B2C Marketing, Conference